A wide variety of research grants and awards are available for work involving cardiac imaging. This page lists some of the available awards from other organisations. If you have any suggestions for funding organisations to include on this page please email info@bsci.org.uk.
Royal College of Radiologists
Pump priming grant scheme
BMA Research grants
The BMA Foundation for Medical Research awards research grants each year (totalling approximately £600,000) to encourage and further medical research in a variety of areas. One of these grants, the Josephine Lansdell, is to assist research in the field of heart disease. Applications are invited from UK-registered medical practitioners that are a member of the BMA, and can be for either research in progress or prospective research.
For more information on the Josephine Lansdell grant, other BMA Foundation grants and to apply, please see www.bmafoundationmr.org.uk.
British Heart Foundation
BHF provide personal support for clinical and non-clinical cardiovascular researchers at all stages of their career. They also provide grants for short and long term research projects, essential infrastructure and strategic initiatives.