BSCI Annual Scientific Meeting 2024
Last event date: September 21, 2024
This year the BSCI BSCCT Annual Scientific Meeting for 2024 will be held on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th September in the Mercure St Paul’s Hotel Sheffield. The Thursday evening event will be a gala dinner at the Victorian Sheffield Town Hall. Three pre-conference full-day workshops can also be booked on Wednesday 18th September. 13 CPD credits will be provided for full attendance in accordance with the CPD Scheme of the Royal College of Radiologists.
Registration is now CLOSED
Registration closes 11:59pm 10th September 2024.
Pre meetings – Wednesday 18th September
Three separate full-day workshops are available to book:
- BSCI / BSCCT Introduction to Cardiac CT Level 1 – Registration £50.00 until 15 Aug / from 16 Aug £100 (VIEW PROGRAMME)
- A one day course aimed at clinicians (Cardiologists, Radiologists, Nuclear Physicians) requiring core (level 1) training in cardiac CT.
- There is no hands-on training as the aim is to provide basic knowledge about CT technique and introduce key concepts.
- The course material will cover the following topics using 50 case examples: Indications for Cardiac CT, Cardiac Anatomy, technical principles including CT acquisition protocols, dose reduction techniques and basics of patient preparation and administration of beta blockers. Reporting of Cardiac CT including Calcium score, CAD-RADS scoring and the identification of non-coronary and extra-cardiac incidental findings, and CT for TAVI workup will also be demonstrated.
- Course organisers and faculty: Dr Aparna Deshpande, Dr Mark Kon, Dr Sara Elfawal
- Nuclear Cardiology Core Curriculum Study Day £100.00 (VIEW PROGRAMME)
- A one day course aimed at cardiology and radiology trainees requiring core (level 1) training in nuclear cardiology
- Topics will include essential technical aspects of nuclear cardiology imaging including SPECT and PET with an emphasis on case based learning
- The programme will cover radiopharmaceuticals and cardiac stress for SPECT and PET MPS, SPECT and PET acquisition, processing and display, How to report SPECT and PET MPS, SECT and PET MPS cases, other nuclear cardiology tests scubas ERNV, MIBG and DPD.
- Course organisers and faculty: Dr Andrew Kelion, Dr Nik Sabharwal, Dr Andrew Crean
- Cardiac CT Study Day for Radiographers £50.00 (VIEW PROGRAMME)
- A one day course tailored for radiographers (VIEW TIMETABLE HERE)
- Topics will include cardiac anatomy, ECG interpretation, patient preparation and drug administration, protocol and scanning optimisation, artefacts and how to improve cardiac CT quality, radiographer led cardiac lists, case studies and evaluation
- Course organisers and faculty: Dr Russell Bull, Dr Anna Reid, Dr Jonathan Rodrigues, Dr Colin Monaghan, Dr James Shambrook, Dr Sri Iyengar.
You can register for any of these pre-meeting days on their own. You are also very welcome to register for the main meeting as well. The main meeting has sessions which will be of interest to trainees, radiographers, physicists as well as consultant cardiology, radiology and nuclear physicians.
Main conference – Thursday 19th and Friday 20th September
- Two streams of sessions: a mainstream covering multimodality cardiovascular imaging topics and a “Read with Experts” stream designed for interactive learning.
- The program is packed with eminent speakers across sessions including coronary, post-intervention, congenital heart disease and multi-modality imaging.
- The meeting provides 11 (eleven) CPD credits for full attendance in accordance with the CPD Scheme of the Royal College of Radiologists.
View the program below or download it
Learning objectives
- Understand current guidelines for the use of multimodality imaging in cardiovascular disease.
- Discuss interesting and challenging imaging cases.
- Develop knowledge of the latest imaging research for cardiovascular disease.
We are delighted to announce that the meeting provides 13 CPD credits for full attendance in accordance with the CPD Scheme of the Royal College of Radiologists.
Annual meeting registration 19th & 20th September
Registration type | Member | Non Member | ||
To 15 Aug | from 16 Aug | To 15 Aug | from 16 Aug | |
Consultant | £275 | £350 | £335 | £410 |
Trainee | £120 | £180 | £180 | £240 |
Allied Health Professionals | £60 | £130 | £120 | £190 |
- Registration is now closed.
- Early registration is highly recommended to secure your spot for the conference dinner and enjoy discounted rates until 15th August.
- Registration closes on 10th September.
- Booking accommodation early in Sheffield is advised.
Scientific abstracts and case abstracts:
Submit your scientific abstracts and case study submissions for the BSCI BSCCT Annual Meeting 2024 now.
Deadline for submissions: Extended to 5 pm UK time, 14th July 2024.
Submission is now CLOSED
We invite submissions for scientific abstracts and clinical case reports highlighting the latest advancements and the critical role of imaging in cardiovascular disease diagnosis, management, or follow-up. Abstracts will be considered for poster or oral abstract presentations. A monetary prize towards educational expenses will be awarded for the best presentation.
Accepted abstracts will be published in a Supplement in Heart.
We are grateful for the support of the following sponsors for this meeting.
Gold sponsors
Silver sponsors
Video created by Dr Andrzej Lejawka
Organiser, Sheffield BSCI/BSCCT Annual Meeting 2024
BSCI/BSCCT Annual Meeting 2022
Last event date: September 24, 2022
Registration now closed
Please note that unfortunately we will not be able to accomodate walk-ins on the day.
After a successful meeting in 2021, we are glad to be back in 2022 in the beautiful and historic Bath!
Meeting Programme
We have a host of exciting educational sessions planned for this year’s meeting.
See the link below or scan the QR code for the finalised meeting programme.
BSCI/BSCCT Meeting Programme 2022
Full attendance at the BSCI / BSCCT Annual Meeting 2022 will entitle to 13 CPD points (7 CPD Points for attending Thursday, 22 September 2022 & 6 CPD points for attending on Friday, 23rd September 2022).
Pre-Meeting study days
Back due to popular demand!
Our pre-meeting study day will be on Wednesday, 21st of September.
Level 1 Cardiovascular CT
Introduction to Cardiac CT Level 1.pdf
BSCI Radiographer / Technologist Cardiac CT Scanning Training Day
BSCI/Heartflow Radiographer Study Day Programme .docx
Attending the BSCI / BSCCT Level 1 Cardiovascular CT pre-meeting study day will entitle the participants to 6 CPD Points.
Registration is now closed.
If there are any questions, please email
Abstract submissions- Now closed
Thank you for all your submissions.
We have had a wealth of good high calibre submissions this year.
We will be in touch with you regarding the outcome of your submission.
Poster presentation information
BSCI/BSCCT Annual Meeting 2021
Last event date: September 14, 2021
Venue: Oxford
BSCI/BSCCT Annual Meeting 2021 Programme
BSCI Annual Meeting 2021 Registration Fees
The BSCI/BSCCT Spring Meeting in 2021 will be held in the beautiful surroundings of Oxford’s Keble College.
The Programme for the 2021 Conference includes a number of innovations, with an emphasis on making the sessions entertaining as well as educational. On the Wednesday before the main Conference, delegates can choose to attend one of four intensive pre-courses, two under the aegis of the BSCI/BSCCT and two under that of the British Nuclear Cardiology Society. The main Conference programme will include debates and an ever-popular Mulitmodality Imaging Quiz, In addition to more conventional sessions – if talks on imaging babies, the dead and animals can be regarded as “conventional”! Awards will be given during the meeting to delegates who have submitted the most striking imaging vignette in a number of categories. And for the first year, we will be running a series of 90 minute “read with the experts” sessions on various topics, in parallel with the “main” sessions.
Pre-course Workshops
Cardiac CT Study Day for Radiographers
This one day interactive course is designed to give radiographers a grounding in cardiac CT to achieve the very best quality images. The importance of patient preparation, particularly with regard to heart rate control will be covered. There will be a particular focus on artefacts and causes of poor quality images with strategies presented on how to overcome these problems. Scan and reconstruction parameters together with the options available will be discussed in relation to all of the major CT vendors. Clinical indications, uses and future directions of cardiac CT will be presented.
Cardiac CT study day for Radiographers
Cardiac CT Study Day for Radiology and Cardiology trainees
This elementary study day is aimed at trainees who have little or no prior exposure to Cardiac CT. There is no hands-on training as the aim is to provide basic knowledge about CT technique and introduce key concepts. The course material using 50 case demonstrations and 7 lectures would support application to Level 1 Accreditation.
Cardiac CT study day for Trainees
BNCS Nuclear Cardiology Core Curriculum
This course is aimed at cardiology and radiology trainees requiring core (level 1) training in nuclear cardiology. Essential technical aspects will be covered, but there will be a heavy emphasis on case-based learning.
BSCI/BSCCT Spring meeting 2019
Last event date: May 17, 2019
Venue: Cambridge
Thursday 16th May – Friday 17th May 2019
Hilton Cambridge City Centre, 20 Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3DT
This course provides 13 CPD credits in accordance with the CPD Scheme of the Royal College of Radiologists.
Abstracts from the meeting have been published as a supplement in Heart.
Click here to access the abstracts on the Heart website
Download information for delegates
2019 BSCI/BSCCT Pre-course ”Introduction to Cardiac CT” with 50 cases
Last event date: May 15, 2019
Venue: University of Cambridge, Addenbrookes Hospital
This elementary study day is aimed at clinicians (Cardiologists, Radiologists, Nuclear Physicians) who have little or no prior exposure to Cardiac CT. There is no hands-on training as the aim is to provide basic knowledge about CT technique and introduce key concepts. The course material using 50 case demonstrations and 7 lectures would support application to Level 1 Accreditation.
International Day of Radiology 2018
Last event date: November 8, 2018

On 8 November 2018 we will celebrate the 7th International Day of Radiology. This year the theme for the IODR is Cardiac imaging. The BSCI/BSCCT is delighted to take part in these celebrations which aim to improve the awareness of the importance of radiology in patient care and the understanding of the vital role radiologists and radiographers play in healthcare. For more information click here.
To celebrate the International Day of Radiology the BSCI/BSCCT have launched a podcast. The podcast will feature interviews and discussions with cardiovascular imagers from around the UK and around the world. Click here for the link to the podcast.
To coincide with the International Day of Radiology the BSCI/BSCCT and the Royal College of Radiologists have released new figures revealing that thousands of patients are missing out on potentially life-saving heart scans. Dr Giles Roditi (BSCI/BSCCT President) said “CTCA scans are incredibly good at detecting and ruling out heart disease, almost perfect. It is beyond frustrating that we do not have the capacity to provide what should be a routine frontline test for everyone presenting with chest pain.” Click here for more information.
For the rest of this week the BSCI/BSCCT will be running a heart themed baking competition. Post your heart themed baking on twitter (copying in @bscimaging and #IDoR) until Thursday 15th November! Click here for our twitter account.
British Cardiovascular Imaging 2018, #BCVI18
Last event date: May 4, 2018
Venue: John McIntyre Conference Centre in Edinburgh
The annual spring meeting in 2018 was a joint meeting of the British Society of Cardiovascular Imaging/British Society of Cardiovascular CT (BSCI/BSCCT), British Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (BSCMR) and British Nuclear Cardiac Society (BNCS).
This meeting aimed at bringing together not just the societies, but also cardiovascular imagers from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds for a celebration of multimodality imaging within the United Kingdom and beyond. It also featured case based learning for cardiac CT, MRI and nuclear imaging and “image optimisation master classes”
Congratulations to the winners of the BSCI/BSCCT Young Investigator Award who presented at the meeting.
1st Place – Rachael Forsythe, “Predicting Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Growth using 18F-Sodium Fluoride PET-CT”
2nd Place – Timothy Cartlidge, “Gender Disparities in Aortic Stenosis: An Optimised Assessment with Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography”
3rd Place – Alex Vesey, “18F-Fluoride and 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography After Transient Ischemic Attack or Minor Ischemic Stroke”
Highly commended – Jessica Carter, “Association between computed tomography features of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and coronary artery disease A sub-study of the SCOT-HEART trial”
Abstracts of the meeting were published in Heart – click here to read them.
For more information about the event click below:

British Cardiovascular Society 2017 Quiz
Last event date: June 7, 2017
The BSCI had strong representation at the recent British Cardiovascular Society Annual Conference Quiz as part of the Imaging Council team. In a change to the geographical format that has been used to select teams in previous years, this year subspecialty societies were pitted against each other.
Despite fierce competition from the British Cardiovascular Intervention Society and the Heart Rhythm Society, it was a convincing victory for the Imaging Council team. Not only did they display their prolific knowledge of idiosyncratic cardiovascular disorders, advanced multi-modality imaging reporting, complex ECG interpretation and general trivia, but also they showed that cardiovascular imagers always provide the right answer at the right time.
Congratulations to Matthias Schmitt, Ed Nicol, Dan Sado, Jim Stirrup and Alastair Moss on their success.
by Dr Alastair Moss
BSCI / BSCCT 2017 Spring Meeting, Bournemouth
Last event date: May 18, 2017
Venue: Bournemouth Marriot Highcliff Hotel
BSCI/BSCCT 2017 spring meeting took place at Bournemouth Marriot Highcliff Hotel on Thursday 18th and 19th of May 2017.
Scientific abstracts published in Heart
Meeting Report by Dr Jonathan Rodrigues
With the sun shining, a record number of delegates swarmed to the South coast for the 2-day BSCI/BSCCT Spring meeting, organized by Dr Russell Bull and held in Bournemouth.
The meeting kicked off with a highly clinically relevant session with talks from Drs Russell Bull, Gareth Morgan-Hughes, Mark Kon and Jim Stirrup, tackling the challenges that still face CTCA in 2017, how we should optimally report CTCA as well as how we can refine our CT protocols for TAVI work-up. We were given a glimpse into the future of CTCA; ultra-high resolution CT – with isotropic resolution directly comparable with invasive catheter angiography. Dr Alistair Moss rounded up the session with an overview of the work coming from Edinburgh in the assessment of native and prosthetic valve imaging.
There was no chance of a post-prandial slump with the after-lunch session tackling the hottest of topics; the new NICE guidelines for investigation of chronic stable chest pain. Dr James Shambrook and Lizzie Shaw offered pragmatic solutions to help meet the training deficit. The immediate past-president, Dr Ed Nicol, spoke about how NICE “had got it right” but warned of the many challenges still ahead.
Dr Mattias Schmitt and Professor Carl Roobottom then locked horns, debating the optimal first line investigation for patients with intermediate/high likelihood of significant CAD and cardiac sounding chest pain. With likely a combination of type 2 and type 1 thinking, the house voted in favour of anatomical, rather than functional, first line assessment.
Dr Leslee Shaw, SCCT President and Professor of Medicine at Emory University, then delivered the key-note lecture which was a tour-de-force of the future of cardiac CT in multimodality cardiac imaging, reminding us that we need to link the results of a diagnostic investigation directly to guiding treatment decisions in order to improve outcomes.
After an excellent evening of socializing at the conference dinner with both beer and pizza on tap, Friday morning kicked off with the “future of the BSCI/BSCCT session”. Dr Michelle Williams gave an update from the trainee committee and was followed by a series of excellent case presentations and research abstracts from radiology and cardiology trainees. Congratulations to Dr Jonathan Weir-McCall (winner of the best oral presentation), Dr Amardeep Ghosh Dastidar (winner of the best poster presentation), Dr C Fielder (winner of the best case presentation) and Drs Michelle Williams and Alistair Moss (recipients of BSCI/BSCCT research grants).
Dr Simon McGuirk then threw down the gauntlet to Dr Charles Peebles debating CT vs MRI in the assessment of congenital heart disease. Dr Jehangir Din, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, then gave an overview of how CTCA impacts on his clinical practice. After lunch, there was a whirlwind session of the latest advances in nuclear (Dr Nik Sabharwal), echo (Dr Rick Steeds), CMR (Prof James Moon) and CT (Dr Bobby Agarwal) imaging techniques.
The meeting was brought to a close by the newly appointed BSCI/BSCCT President, Dr Giles Roditi. Following the immense success of BSCI/BSCCT 2017, we look forward to the 2018. Watch this space for further details!