BSCI/BSCCT Annual Meeting 2021 Programme
BSCI Meeting Programme 2021 BSCI Annual Meeting 2021 Registration FeesThe BSCI/BSCCT Spring Meeting in 2021 will be held in the beautiful surroundings of Oxford’s Keble College.
The Programme for the 2021 Conference includes a number of innovations, with an emphasis on making the sessions entertaining as well as educational. On the Wednesday before the main Conference, delegates can choose to attend one of four intensive pre-courses, two under the aegis of the BSCI/BSCCT and two under that of the British Nuclear Cardiology Society. The main Conference programme will include debates and an ever-popular Mulitmodality Imaging Quiz, In addition to more conventional sessions – if talks on imaging babies, the dead and animals can be regarded as “conventional”! Awards will be given during the meeting to delegates who have submitted the most striking imaging vignette in a number of categories. And for the first year, we will be running a series of 90 minute “read with the experts” sessions on various topics, in parallel with the “main” sessions.
Pre-course Workshops
Cardiac CT Study Day for Radiographers
This one day interactive course is designed to give radiographers a grounding in cardiac CT to achieve the very best quality images. The importance of patient preparation, particularly with regard to heart rate control will be covered. There will be a particular focus on artefacts and causes of poor quality images with strategies presented on how to overcome these problems. Scan and reconstruction parameters together with the options available will be discussed in relation to all of the major CT vendors. Clinical indications, uses and future directions of cardiac CT will be presented.
Cardiac CT study day for RadiographersCardiac CT Study Day for Radiology and Cardiology trainees
This elementary study day is aimed at trainees who have little or no prior exposure to Cardiac CT. There is no hands-on training as the aim is to provide basic knowledge about CT technique and introduce key concepts. The course material using 50 case demonstrations and 7 lectures would support application to Level 1 Accreditation.
Cardiac CT study day for TraineesBNCS Nuclear Cardiology Core Curriculum
This course is aimed at cardiology and radiology trainees requiring core (level 1) training in nuclear cardiology. Essential technical aspects will be covered, but there will be a heavy emphasis on case-based learning.
BNCS Nuclear Cardiology Core Curriculum Study Day