The BSCI/BSCCT is a multi-professional society for all those interested in and practicing in cardiac imaging.
Click here to join the BSCI/BSCCT
Membership rates:
Full members
- £40 per year if paying by direct debit (the preferred method)
- £60 per year if paying by bank transfer or credit card
Radiographers, medical physicists, Medical Trainee other allied health care professionals
- 50% reduction in membership fees
Membership benefits include:
- Reduced registration fees for the BSCI Spring Meeting and Annual General Meeting and other BSCI and BSCCT meetings held throughout the year
- Reduced accreditation fees when applying for BSCI Accreditation (levels 1 to 3) and or for SCCT Accreditation transfer. New members joining the society between the 1st October and the 31st December (subscription-free period) need to pay a membership fee of £25.00 if applying for accreditation
- Direct notification of forthcoming events, both of the BSCI and other affiliated groups
- Information regarding training opportunities and courses
- Support with service development at your hospital
- Access to educational materials available only to BSCI members
- Support and nomination of members for clinical excellence awards
- Members have the opportunity to become a representative on local cardiac network groups
- BSCI encourages the development of regional cardiac imaging groups
- BSCI provides UK-wide networking opportunities and support to all its members
- Members have the right to vote for the BSCI committee
- Members have the right to stand for the BSCI Committee subject to eligibility
- 50% discount on personal online only subscriptions to Heart
- Income tax relief on annual membership subscription- please click below for more information
Membership Certificates
Membership certificates will be issued once payment has been made in full.
Any queries please contact