The BSCI/BSCCT has several sub committees which help with society activities.
Dr Sue Thomas & Dr Jamie Kitt
Guidelines and Standards
Dr Srikanth Iyengar
Dr Jonathan Weir- McCall and Dr Jason Tarkin
* To champion research and audit within the BSCI/BSCCT society
* Facilitate and encourage cardiovascular imaging audit and research
* Provide advice and assistance to BSCI/BSCCT members involved in audit and research
Dr Erica Tirr
* To champion BSCI/BSCCT ethos of disseminating knowledge about cardiovascular imaging to a wide audience
* Design and deliver opportunities for learning about cardiovascular imaging at all levels within and beyond the confines of cardiac imaging specialists
* Continue collaborative work with other specialist groups & Royal Colleges to facilitate accessible and contextually-relevant forms of learning and training opportunities