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Registration OPEN

BSCI 2025 image
We are glad to be a part of the BHF Clinical Research Collaborative
Our Sponsors


The British Society of Cardiovascular Imaging / British Society of Cardiovascular CT (BSCI/BSCCT) is a multi-professional society for all those interested in and practicing cardiovascular imaging.

Our Society welcomes membership from medical and non-medical specialists and generalists with an interest in cardiovascular imaging, and encourages membership from trainees as well as senior practitioners.

We are a multi-modality cardiovascular imaging society. This is reflected in our scientific meetings, which enables us to discuss and compare different imaging techniques. We are a Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Royal College of Radiology (RCR), an Affiliated Society for the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) and part of the Imaging Council of the BCS. We act as the national special interest group for cardiovascular computed tomography. This function has been brought together as the BSCCT within the BSCI.

The objectives of the society are to:

  • Promote the highest standards of practice of cardiovascular imaging in the United Kingdom
  • Promote education, training and the dissemination of scientific evidence in all aspects of cardiovascular imaging
  • Advise the Royal College of Radiologists and the British Cardiovascular Society on cardiovascular imaging
  • Nurture and evolve the links between the cardiology and radiology communities


The BSCI/BSCCT online education platform provides educational resources including lectures, courses and quizzes. This includes the BSCI/BSCCT online level 1 lecture course, the BSCI/BSCCT radiographer course, and recordings from BSCI/BSCCT meetings and webinars. This resource is available free to BSCI/BSCCT members.

Access the BSCI/BSCCT online education website HERE and find out more information HERE.


The BSCI/BSCCT organises accreditation for cardiac CT, including Level 1, Level 2 initial, Level 2 clinical practitioner and Level 3 cardiac CT accreditation.

More information can be found HERE.


The next BSCI/BSCCT annual scientific meeting will be held in Sheffield on Thursday 19th and 20th September 2024. Pre-meeting workshops will be held on Wednesday 18th September 2024. The deadline for registration is the 10th September 2024.

The program for the meeting can be found HERE and more information about the meeting can be found HERE.

Professor Michelle Williams,
President of the BSCI/BSCCT